Goddess Bride

New Blog Page and Imbolc

We are starting a blog page and invite anyone from our community to submit entries. To start with, we have taken an article from our very first Imbolc Newsletter, published way back in 2018.

Imbolc is said to mark the first stirrings of Spring around the beginning of February. It is a time of year when thoughts turn to new life, and the start of a new agricultural year. The Celts associated it with the onset of ewes’ lactation, prior to the arrival of spring lambs.

The goddess of this festival is Bride, who is Brigantia/ Brighid in her maiden form. Bride is renowned as a goddess of fire, healing and fertility. The lighting of fires is celebrates the increasing power of the Sun.

The warming fiery energies of the goddess Bride now quicken the life that lies dormant in the cold earth of winter. Snowdrops and early pre-Spring flowers dare to emerge. Frost and snow might still return, but the goddess promises lengthening days, more light, and a gradual return to new growth.

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